General rule is to add appropriate flowers for a muhurta of 48 minutes. Post preparation, payasa/kheer should be kept in pugapatta. Before serving, flowers should be removed.
Payasa 1 Lehya
1. In a gentle flame, reduce milk to 1/2 (lehya)
2. Add jackfruit
3. Add ginger and flowers like jAti i.e. jasmine etc to the more solidified milk
Payasa 2 Lehya
1. In a gentle flame, reduce milk to 1/3 (lehya)
2. Add dates
3. Add punnag flower
Payasa 3 Ghatika
1. In a gentle flame, reduce milk to 1/6th (ghatika)
2. Add mango, ghee, honey
3. Add pomegranate flower and cooked new rice (navaoudanam)
Payasa 4 Sharkara
1. In a gentle flame, reduce milk to 1/8th (Sharkara)
2. Banana fruit to be added with sugar.
3. Afterwards Punnaga and ketaki to be added
Lastly all flowers to be removed and payasam/kheer should be kept in pugapatta and it is to be served in meals
प्रकारान्तरेण क्षीरपाकनिर्माणविधिर्गुणाश्च
विना जलेन तत् क्षीरं क्षीरभाण्डे नियोजयेत् ॥ १० ॥
स्थाल्यां पचेन्मृदावग्नौ दर्वीघट्टनपूर्वकम् । अर्धाविशिष्टमिति तत् लेह्यमाहुश्च कोविदाः॥ ११ ॥
त्रिभागशेषमिति तत् लेह्यमाहुश्च कोविदाः ।
षडभागशेषमिति तत् घटिकां प्रवदन्ति हि । ब्रुवन्त्यष्टावशिष्टं तत् शर्करामिति साधकाः ॥ १२ ॥
चतुर्थजमिंदक्षीरं न्यसेद् भाण्डचतुष्टये । सम्यग्विश्राम्य तच्क्षीरं मानविद्भाण्डसंस्थितम् ॥ १३ ॥
तेषु क्षीरेषु मानज्ञाः फलपुष्पाणि निक्षिपेत् । पानरुपे पुनः क्षीरे पनस्य फलं क्षिपेत् ॥ १४ ॥
सारामृतं पुनस्तत्र आर्दकस्य क्षिपेत्कणान् । जात्यादिकुसुमं तत्र पुनः सूदः प्रवेशयेत् ॥ १५ ॥
भूयो लेह्याह्वये दुग्धे खर्जुरीफलमाहरेत् । फलस्वेदं पुनस्तत्र निक्षिपेदमृतोपमम् ॥ १६ ॥
न्यसेच्च पक्वं पुन्नागकुसुमं तत्र मानवित् । भूयश्च घटिकारूपे क्षीरे चूतफलं क्षिपेत् ॥ १७ ॥
सर्पिश्च माक्षिकं तत्र निक्षिपेत्सर्वरोगजित् । कुसुमं सत्फलादीनां न्यसेत्तत्र नवौदनम् ॥ १८ ॥
क्षीरे तु शर्कराकारे कृष्णरम्भाफलं न्यसेत् । पुनश्च शर्कराखण्डं जिह्वाजाड्यहरं शुभम् ॥ १९ ॥
कुसुमं विन्यसेत्तत्र पुन्नागे च समुद्भवम् । तेषु क्षीरेषु सर्वेषु निक्षिपेत्केतकीफलम् ॥ २० ॥
कर्पूरमृगनाभ्याश्च कल्कं कुंकुमवर्जितम् । सूदस्तं पानरुपेषु क्षीरेषु प्रसवं न्यसेत् ॥ २१ ॥
संत्यज्य तानि पुष्पाणि वेष्टयित्वा प्रदापयेत्।
- P. 109 of Pākdarpaṇa of Nala by Dr. Madhulika
Another method of preparation of ksirapāka and its properties
- Milk unmixed with water should be placed in milk vessel.
- It should be cooked in low flame and stirred with ladle.
- When milk is reduced to half or one third it is called lehya लेह्य (to be licked)
- When reduced to one sixth, it is called ghatikA घटिका
- When reduced to one eight part, it is called sarkara शर्करा
- These four types of milk should be kept in four separate pots
- Knowing the quantity, they should be kept undisturbed for an appropriate period of time
- We should put flowers and fruits in proportionate quantities into the milk vessels
- Jackfruit to be added to the milk which is in drinkable form पानरुपे
- Ginger to be added the milk which is more solidified (1/3rd reduced)
- Flowers like jAti jasmine to be added on this
- (1/3rd reduced) When milk is in lehya लेह्य lickable form, palm dates should be added
- Fruits to be added to milk which is in the form of nectar - amrut
- Later on flowers of punnAg should be added to it
- Mango, ghee, honey should be added to ghatika milk (reduced to 1/6th)
- This gets rid of all diseases
- Flower of pomegranate and rice to be added to milk in sarkara form (reduced to 1/8th), banana fruit to be added with sugar. This removes in-sensitiveness of tongue
- Afterwards Punnaga and ketaki to be added
- The cook should add appropriate flower in drinkable milk and lastly all flowers to be removed and milk should be kept in pugapatta and it is to be served in meals
Some of the flowers
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JAti Jasmine
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Request learned sanskrit experts to correct below word to word translation:
प्रकारा - types
प्रकारान्तरेण - by different/another method
विना जलेन - without water
तत् that क्षीरं milk क्षीरभाण्डे milk vessel नियोजयेत् pour/put/place
स्थाल्यां 7v स्थाली in big vessel plate / cauldron /pan
पचेन्मृदावग्नौ cooked in mild fire
दर्वी - spoon/ladle
घट्टन - stirring around
पूर्वकम् - with (given this context, not earlier)
अर्धाविशिष्टमिति - characterized by half
तत् that लेह्यमाहुश्च called lehya कोविदाः skilled, well versed, experts, learned
त्रिभागशेषमिति तत् that reduced to one thirds लेह्यमाहुश्च is called lehya कोविदाः by learned
षडभागशेषमिति (characterized by one sixths) तत् that घटिकां (ghatika) प्रवदन्ति (announce/utter/proclaim/pronounce) हि (surely/certainly)
ब्रुवन्त्यष्टावशिष्टं तत् शर्करामिति साधकाः
ब्रुवन्ति they say अष्टावशिष्टं characterised by one eight तत् that शर्करा sugar/hardened/pebble/gritty/gravelly
चतुर्थजमिंदक्षीरं these four milks prepared thus न्यसेद् place भाण्डचतुष्टये in four vessels
सम्यग्विश्राम्य accurately/exactly तच्क्षीरं that milk मानविद्भाण्डसंस्थितम् knowing quantity place it in milk
तेषु क्षीरेषु मानज्ञाः फलपुष्पाणि निक्षिपेत्
तेषु in those क्षीरेषु in milk मानज्ञाः knowing the quantity/proportionately फलपुष्पाणि flowers fruits निक्षिपेत् pour in/ put
पानरुपे पुनः क्षीरे पनस्य फलं क्षिपेत्
पानरुपे in drinkable form पुनः again क्षीरे in milk 7v पनस्य फलं jackfruit क्षिपेत् put/add
सारामृतं पुनस्तत्र आर्दकस्य क्षिपेत्कणान्
सारामृतं juice nectar ?? पुनस्तत्र again in that /there आर्दकस्य ginger क्षिपेत्कणान् ??
जात्यादिकुसुमं jAti jasmine etc flowers तत्र there पुनः again सूदः cook प्रवेशयेत् spend, usher into, enter, write down, deposit in, put or throw into
भूयो लेह्याह्वये दुग्धे खर्जुरीफलमाहरेत्
भूयो further/again लेह्याह्वये in name of lehya
आह्वय name, appellation दुग्धे in milk खर्जुरीफलमाहरेत् dates fruit
आहरेत् put, take, put on, speak, receive, take for one's self, get, use, enjoy, take away, dress, deliver, bring, give, fetch, offer
फलस्वेदं पुनस्तत्र निक्षिपेदमृतोपमम्
फलस्वेदं appropriate fruits पुनस्तत्र again in that निक्षिपेदमृतोपमम् put ??
न्यसेच्च पक्वं पुन्नागकुसुमं तत्र मानवित्
न्यसेच्च place ?? पक्वं cook पुन्नागकुसुमं punnaag flowers तत्र in that मानवित् knowing quantity
भूयश्च घटिकारूपे क्षीरे चूतफलं क्षिपेत्
भूयश्च After that घटिकारूपे in the form of ghatika क्षीरे in milk चूतफलं mango fruit क्षिपेत् put/add
सर्पिश्च माक्षिकं तत्र निक्षिपेत्सर्वरोगजित्
सर्पिश्च clarified butter i.e. ghee and माक्षिकं honey (from bee) तत्र there/in that
निक्षिपेत्सर्वरोगजित् put/add. All diseases are cured
कुसुमं सत्फलादीनां न्यसेत्तत्र नवौदनम्
कुसुमं सत्फलादीनां fruit of pomegranate न्यसेत्तत्र place in that नवौदनम् with new fresh rice cooked
क्षीरे तु शर्कराकारे कृष्णरम्भाफलं न्यसेत्
क्षीरे in milk तु and/but शर्कराकारे shape of sharkara (small granules/sugar) कृष्णरम्भाफलं dark banana fruit न्यसेत् place
पुनश्च शर्कराखण्डं जिह्वाजाड्यहरं शुभम्
पुनश्च Again and शर्कराखण्डं slice, bit, volume, piece जिह्वाजाड्यहरं शुभम् it is good and removes insensitivity of tongue
कुसुमं विन्यसेत्तत्र पुन्नागे च समुद्भवम्
कुसुमं flower विन्यसेत्तत्र spread/ distribute there पुन्नागे punnag च and समुद्भवम् existence/source/origin/revival/coming to life
तेषु in those क्षीरेषु in milk सर्वेषु in all निक्षिपेत्केतकीफलम् place/put ketaki flower
कर्पूरमृगनाभ्याश्च कल्कं कुंकुमवर्जितम्
कर्पूरमृगनाभ्याश्च camphor and deer musk कल्कं bastard myrobalan /viscous substance when ground ?? कुंकुम saffron वर्जितम् with the exception of/without
सूदस्तं पानरुपेषु क्षीरेषु प्रसवं न्यसेत्
सूदस्तं cook that पानरुपेषु in that drinkable form 7v क्षीरेषु in milk प्रसवं course/origin न्यसेत् place
संत्यज्य तानि पुष्पाणि वेष्टयित्वा प्रदापयेत्
संत्यज्य abandon/leave out तानि those पुष्पाणि flowers वेष्टयित्वा having enclosed प्रदापयेत् having been boiled
sūdaḥ सूदः source
Definition: सूदः [सूद्-अच्] 1 Destroying, destruction, massacre. -2 Pouring out, distilling. -3 A well, spring. -4 A cook. -5 Sauce, soup. -6 Anything seasoned, a prepared dish. -7 Split pease. -8 Mud, mire. -9 Sin, fault. -1 The office of a charioteer. -11 The Lodhra tree. -Comp. -अध्यक्षः a superintendent of the kitchen. -कर्मन् n. cookery. -शाला a kitchen. -शास्त्रम् the science of cooking.
niyuj नियुज्
Definition: नियुज् 7 Ā. 1 To appoint, depute, order. To accomplish, perform (a rite); पूर्वं दैवं नियोजयेत् Ms.3.24.
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