Thursday, November 6, 2008

Who invented these ghost stories?

Who invented this puliamarathu payee story? I don't know. Yes'day, was a day of ups and downs. I was speaking to sugi over phone and casually went to the swings in the professor's kids' playground. That is my favourite place and i swing there for hours at times. All alone in the night. I never used to bother about my surroundings or timings. I was one person, used to doing what i felt like doing at that time. But yes'day for the first time, i described the surroundings as it was to sugi. You know how it will be after 11 pm in the night. With crickets and what not screeching and a lone tube light once in a few metres and the whole area was deserted with no aaal nadamattam...

i was oblivious to all this. I had walked through a patch of green thing to reach the playground enclosure. I opened the gate. And the gate opened with a screech. Imagine the sound that you get in those payee movies. That kind of creaky metallic dirge. I walked pass the wet grass and sat on the metal cold swing seat and continued speaking to sugi. Only then i started describing my surroundings to Sugi. I had a banyan tree with ghostly leaves shining palely in the dim tubelight on my right at a distance and this pulia maram right next to me on my left. I remember lakshmi, the servant kid telling me if i wanted tamarind fruit from the tree in the broad day light. But now around 11 pm, that tree seemed to be haunted with all the boothas and prethas in my feverish imagination. Couple of dogs were howling pitieously at a distance. I was swinging at a comfortable pace with one hand over mobile and another at the swing chain. And the swing was also producing this creeky sound, this sound got even more amplified in my present state of mind. The half moon was peeping behind the banyan tree and suddenly after i had finished describing the scenario to sugi, all i wanted to do was just escape to the main road. I felt there was something just behind my shoulders. I felt, there were creepers ready to entangle me as i walked past that green patch. i felt the puliamaram and alla maram branches were ready to scoop me up and throw me into oblivion. I told Sugi, continue talking to me, i will come out. And thats what i did whilst, i heard my heart beat aloud inside me. God, it is all within me. Yes. I had played in these very same swings, unmindful of the timings, but yes'day was an altogether different revelation.

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