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Had a hasta friend around Pudukkottai, who reared lots hens and cocks in her home. The cocks were part of family and they would pull the nighty of my college mate to draw her attention. Though they ate non-veg, they would never kill the birds that they reared at home.
There was a time in CMC Vellore, when every single day for almost 3 months, I had tandoori chicken with maida parotta. Mom would get me a fiction (typically a Cook or Sheldon) and a parcel and I would finish both overnight. Somehow, though I loved biology, loved Ranjini miss, got the highest class score and certificate in 12th biology, could never stand dissections in lab. Could never stand kitchen on Sundays in childhood. Sis after attending pravachans, became the second vegan from 4th, mom being the first. It took me a more than a decade. Nirjal pradhosam fasts started because of neighbours in UG which got metamorphosed to numerous fasts, where you eat only air. And with astrologers as your only conversation friends, one can never eat non-veg.
There is always a trigger for a drastic change in taste buds, but what sustains the trigger is something else. It was in 2005 and Jagannath Puri temple pujari lineage’s Mishra was my friend. His ancestors were the only folks for whom the snakes would make way to take the temple jewels during festivals. My other lunch mate too was a mami. In fact, ever since i came outside home in 2003, my roomie were all mAmis or had at least two mamis sharing my residence at any point of time. Looking back to be honest, his lecture during lunch triggered my vegetarianism in 2005. Within days, happily told him, that I quit non-veg, citing garuda puranam, not the fact, that it was actually due to him.
Once in 2011, went to Banana leaf near Main guard Gate near Trichy Malaikottai and ordered chicken roast, it was served, but could not eat, don’t know why, finally ended up getting it parceled for neighbor.
What sustained vegetarianism all these years in reality was astrology, initially, lal kitab, later garuda puranam. Sun in 11th house are not supposed to eat meat. You get a diseased body in subsequent lives with non-veg as per Garuda puranam. Charaka samhita is replete with non-veg prescriptions though. And the more you study astrology, the more you realize, how blessed you are to be in a human body. One wrong deed, you might be born as a tree, vegetable, hen, goat, fish whatever. Guruji once remarked tiryak yoni (4 legged) for someone’s query on where his pitrus were. Kumbhipaak naraka and fate of capsicum in mirchi bajji are so similar.
Every single wish comes true eventually over lives. It is a continuous series lasting yugas. One needs to be absolutely careful as to what one truly wishes for. Roles interchange. Perhaps I should change life is short statement. Whatever, everything, food whatever is God’s krupa. The moment I have pride, that I have absolute restraint over my tongue, my fasts, and get angry with my bro - the only non-vegetarian at home, then am gone. The moment, I resent my mom or family adding onions garlic to food, then am gone. Though mom adjusts to my cooking, resent going home to relative’s home due to food. Typically, schedule home visits so that my bro would not have to forgo non-veg, because of me. Somehow, can’t stand non-veg inside home now, the smell and all that. For me, temple or mutt food is what I relish the most. What if I was cut thus and cooked or roasted!!! My bro truly remarks that people who are born vegetarians have greater tolerance for non-veg folks than non-veg folks who have recently became vegetarians. I sit at the farthest corner from my koundiya colleague who eats eggs during lunch. Once, a psychologist was eating chicken next to me and speaking and I almost puked. Everything keeps changing. Today am like this, god knows what will happen when rAhu comes to my dharma sthAna in 2016 during peak of my sade sati.
After guruji came in life, everything is changed, mushroom, onions, garlic are gone from kitchen, hence maggi noodles also, rarely eating outside, no roadside food as well. I missed many office treats – pizza, treats expensive hotel treats, with fasts coming in. Till guruji gave a 15 days for god, 15 days for colleagues, friends every month rule.
Forget non-veg, or the most delectable pastries, within vegetables, a single tasting of onion garlic will dull a brain; carrots cause laziness, tomatoes induce jealousy, brinjal vipareet gyAna etc. You get cautious on what is allowed for each tithi, each day, each hour – morning, noon and night. Still wondering why no amlas on sundays or saptami. Your body is your vehicle and one needs to take proper care of it and food is the one main input to watch out. To adhere to the spiritual rules without egoistically sticking to them is the key. Sarvam Shri Krishnarpanamastu
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